Photo of Paradise Now at Space Electronic, Florence, 1969 All of Living Theatre’s work before 1968 seems to be leading up to Paradise Now. And all their later work appears to be heading away from it. I never tire of watching ...Read More

In Southeast Asia, white elephants were venerated animals which the monarch could give as gifts to reward an honoured subject. The grateful recipient then had to bear the costs of keeping a sacred animal that could not be sold, given away, slaughtered or ...Read More

FR: Samedi 16 mars 2013, de 16h30 à 19h30. au Kaaistudios :Rue notre dame du sommeil 81- 1000 BXL. (répétition): Lundi 18 mars 2013, de 14h00 à 17h00. au Théâtre Royal, Grand Place, MONS. Réservation recommandée: Conçu pour fournir des outils de mouvement et ...Read More

I haven’t seen anything yet by Joris Lacoste, but I like his different approaches. In some works he explores hypnosis and in others, games, as if he wanted his work to show the two opposing trends that have characterised art ...Read More

Re-enactment is common in the theatre. Rimini Protokoll’s Deutschland 2 and Massimo Furlan’s Foot are two appealing projects from 2002 that use the same strategy. In the first, 200 spectators reproduce a parliamentary session in real time (at the same ...Read More

On 16 January 2013 Bitnik sent a parcel to Julian Assange, holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The parcel was fitted with an IP camera that filmed the journey (1 image every 10 seconds) to its destination. The ...Read More

As you enter the theatre, instead of the stalls there is a tier covered with mattresses and cushions. You’re invited to make yourself comfortable. On stage, dancer and co-author of the piece Alix Eynaudi tells you what is going to ...Read More

    Spain, France, Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Italy, Britain, Finland, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Denmark, South Korea, Germany, Brazil, Estonia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Belgium. CLICK HERE: Bolos-2010-2012-2   Read More

In 2005, Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen went to Birmingham to put together a choir of people who weren’t singers but did have something to complain about. First of all they took down all the group’s complaints and then a ...Read More

Esther Belvis writes about Public Domain in Furtherfield. Besides boosting your ego, it is interesting to read an article on your own show that comes from outside the world of the critics. Performances always seem more interesting in other people’s ...Read More